

by Stig Cumming 4 April 2021
Often, problems with your feet will present themselves as referred symptoms in your back, knees and neck. Remember the story/song "the foot bone's connected to the knee bone...” Your feet have a direct impact on the rest of your body. Like the foundation of a house, your feet support the weight of everything above them. When a small problem develops in your feet, the subtle changes in the way you walk will cause a chain reaction of adjustments in your posture and walking mechanics. These changes can put stress on joints higher up in your body, and lead to more serious problems such as: • Foot pain • Knee pain • Hip pain • Back pain • Neck pain Speak to one of our practitioners about how Orthotic Support can help you step away from pain. At Body Realm Injury Clinic we use the Orthotics Groups Tog Gait Scan System. What Does the Gait Scan Tell You? The Gait Scan will measure the pressure of your foot using a pressure Plate. This information is then sent to a computer where analysis is performed to identify areas of abnormal pressure and your foot's loading patterns The system simultaneously records and captures the relative pressure load of each area of the foot including Medial Heel, Lateral Heel, Mid-Foot, Metatarsals 1-5, the Hallux and the Toes 2-5 and how this may lead to injury. Once these areas have been identified, The Injury & Sports Therapy Clinic can then work out the correct adjustments needed to correct you foot action. These measurements are then used to build a pair of tailor-made (prescription) orthotics for YOUR feet. If there is a problem discovered with the feet, what is the next step? The results of your scan can be viewed in both 2D and 3D form, and assist our Therapists with your diagnosis and formulation of a tailored treatment plan, which will be shown and discussed with you... The results can also be transmitted to the Orthotic Group Laboratory in Canada; It's a bit like getting a pair of prescription glasses...but for your feet! Prescription Orthotics Using the results of your Gaitscan, a pair of custom orthotics can be manufactured in around 10 days by the Orthotic Group laboratory in Canada.
by Kevin Cumming 10 March 2021
Nearly all of our exercises that we prescribe or do with you, both in our clinics for treatment or on our fitness lessons involve making sure the body uses the PROPRIOPERCEPTION. What is Proprioperception? Proprioperception is the unconscious perception of movement which involves the Tendons, Ligaments and muscles transmitting messages to the brain which in turn tells them how to react quickly. We educate you and show you how to react and work properly, in the right order. The equipment involves, (but not limited to) Physio Balls, Rocker Boards, wobble boards / Cushions, etc. These types of exercises will benefit almost everyone from different fitness levels, ages… The aim with PROPRIOPERCEPTION is to improve posture and reduce the incidence of overuse injuries. Why do these type of exercises? These exercises are a great method to both rehabilitate as well as speeding up your reaction time & your agility skills. In addition to these benefits, it also allows the added benefit of increase in strength of muscles, ligaments, tendons and ranges of motion & Joint stability. We will ensure that we start you off slowly by educating and making sure the correct movements and muscles are used. It differs from the repetitive mundane exercises that many do on a day-today basis, and offers both enjoyment and a surprisingly more challenging exercise than some may think and therefore, with an added bonus of accomplishment when watching the results - If done CORRECTLY of course! We have always said if it is not completed correctly the BAD HABITS WILL GET STRONGER AS YOU GET STRONGER, so do you accept the challenge?
by Stig Cumming 10 February 2021
Injury prevention plays an important role in the promotion of safe exercise. The worst Injuries are those that can be easily avoided. In elite sport we often use more of a risk management technique. Aside from its well-known health benefits, sporting and leisure activities May cause various sports injuries which will vary from sport to sport, person to person and the way and the amount that you train, the training programs you follow and generally how you look after yourself.i.e:- FOOD, HYDRATE, REST, POSTURE, SLEEP, AGE, ETC, AND DO YOU USE THE CORRECT EQUIPMTNT There are many different methods, theories and practices that coaches, fellow training partners, athletes will recommend, so advice comes at you from all angles. There have been many studies, but so often the results are inconclusive. Having said all that, I will give our view from the evidence and results we have had over the years of practicing in injury prevention. It will cover the beginner to the elite and from the young to the old and anywhere in between, So as you can see it certainly changes from individual to individual as we are all unique. We mainly see two types of injuries, Acute and Overuse. Acute Injuries normally happens at that time where you twist an ankle or sprain a knee, fall off your bike, drop something on your foot etc. These injuries are hard to prevent as the surface could of be uneven, someone landed on or dropped something on your foot. Overuse Injuries are more preventable injuries, these normally come for a couple of reasons. • Not being in proper shape before the season • Not preparing yourself before participation of your chosen sport or exercise. • Doing too much to quick. To help prevent overuse Injuries there are a few basic rules. 1.If it’s something like football, get in shape before the season starts, try and ensure good form and posture throughout the day. 2. Warm up to Warming up, Do your Pre activity warm up and something like a light jog to get the heart rate up. Try and make this a sport specific activity. 3. This is often neglected: - a Cool Down & Stretch and plan your rest days. 4. Nutrition, eat like a champ. 5. Treat your Injuries. If you do have a specific injury that you feel is becoming an overuse injury, rest it or get into see a sports medicine physician. The sooner it’s taken care of the quicker it will heal and the faster you’ll be back to your exercises or sport. Pain that exists for more then a week that tends to get worse or more frequent with activity is the time and reason to seek advice. Over the coming weeks we will cover what we mentioned earlier to help you on your fitness journey and what is listed below, but not limited to and other issues you would like us to cover for instance. • Various Injuries, and their treatment • Food and Hydration • Sleep and rest, • Posture • Ages: Different injuries related to different Ages and training differences to get best results. • Using the correct equipment for your sport • Stretching for specific sports • Common injuries and their treatments • Returning to sport and high-level activities I.E DON’T JUMP INTO YOUR END GOAL • Our aim is to show some information and exercise from the research setting. What normally happens it takes ages to get to the everyday sports man, i.e. mind the Gap. Research........................ MIND THE GAP. .............................Elite Sport Settings (Let’s get this knowledge of injury prevention out to you.)
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